Prospect Heights, IL | 847 994 4388 | Chimney Sweep & Service

chimney sweep in prospect heights

Get in Touch Prospect Heights!

Winter is coming! Be prepared and safe this burning season by having your chimney cleaned and inspected! Call 847 994 4388 or email today!

    The City of Prospect Heights is located in Cook County in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. It has a population of only about 16,000 making it a small and cozy little village (by Chicago standards, anyway!). It is a fairly young town, having been only started in 1935. Carlton Smith and Allen Dawson, settled along Elmhurst Road and built their first homes there on farm land that was previously there. This was the start of a well-planned community that was able to meet the dreams and needs of families trying to escape the depression. Today the city continues to evolve and grow, and attracting many new businesses along with centers of economic development.

    The City of Prospect Heights has many long time residents that have planted roots in the community dating back to it’s beginnings. Prospect Heights still has single family homes with half-acre lots which is a rarity in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. One of the reasons they chose to stay in Prospect Heights are the great school districts, specifically Prospect Heights School District 23. Prospect High School is a great high school located in the community and is one of the highest achieving high schools in the state of Illinois. There are approximately 2200 students which come from a very diverse background. There are as many as 30 different languages listed as the primary language that is spoken in the home of the students.

    The Prospect Heights Library District attracts people from all around the area. It is a small and cozy library, located in a green, wooded residential area. It offers many programs for it’s residents. Some of those programs include book clubs for both kids and adults, story times for children from babies and toddlers to elementary aged kids, along with a huge variety of unique arts & crafts projects.

    Another interesting attraction in Prospect Heights is the Chicago Executive Airport. It is the state of Illinois’ third busiest airport. It offers private airplane lessons, along with a beautiful viewing area for those interested in seeing the magic airplanes fly and dazzling runway lights.

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